The Timespent Show
In my series, The Timespent Show, I apply acrylic paint onto salvaged plywood in an intuitive process of gestural, expressive strokes and poured latex acrylic paint to respond to my anxiety and to chronicle my experience living with it. The painting process results in forms—often invoking movement, flow, and organic shapes—that inform the application and placement of a two-point perspective grid that is drawn with a pencil on top of the dried paint. The intricate grid makes my artistic decisions in advance so that the only task each following day is to sit down, dip into ink, and draw lines. The daily ritual of focusing narrowly on the next line I draw allows me to control what I can control and appreciate the little things that are certain.
The entire process—from a salvaged piece of plywood to a finished piece of art—is filmed using an overhead camera mounted to a turn-table of my own design and construction. The time-lapse of the paint drying evokes the relentless processes of nature and the invariability of time passing. The thousands of lines I draw tally the passage of time and are a growing record of my ongoing efforts to manage my anxiety. It is my hope that as the work challenges the constructs of time, it reminds us of our shared experience and our small place in the universe, generating possibilities for collective hope and solace.