Alone Together

Alone Together, acrylic paint, ink, and glue on cardboard, and acrylic paint, pencil, and ink on wood, ~19” x 33”, March 2020

Alone Together, acrylic paint, ink, and glue on cardboard, and acrylic paint, pencil, and ink on wood, ~19” x 33”, March 2020


Stuck alone in a small apartment during the COVID-19 pandemic, I found that my concept of home and safety was subverted. Alone Together chronicles my efforts to manage the uncertainty and isolation brought on by the initial lockdown. To construct the house, I painted cardboard intuitively during moments of panic, then cut it into strips, bricks, and shingles—a process developed from Anxiety Avenue.

To further manage my anxiety, I adapted my use of repetition and patterns to develop a daily practice of inking lines onto painted wood in an intricate grid—the foundation for the process used in The Quarantine Series. The eight windows of Alone Together showcase this visual record of coping with anxiety.